Make-up a krása blog pondelok ankety, zv. 513

So…what is the Monday Poll?

No, to nie je presne anketa. It’s more of a constantly evolving (devolving?), somewhat random list of questions I’ve been putting out to readers every Monday morning for the past 11 (!) years. (It’s like a kickstart for your brain.) I’ve always enjoyed reading your answers in the comments, and I hope you enjoy reading mine.

1. You get the chance to play either the hero or the villain in a major motion picture. Which role do you choose?

Ooh! Villains usually have better hair and makeup and costumes. and snappier one-liners. but I’d go with the hero because I’m going to go ahead and assume that the movie is gonna be a blockbuster hit, and I’d prefer to not have strangers who can’t distinguish between me and the character yell at me in public for no good reason.

Deep down in my heart, though, I’d always wonder what it would have been like to play the ? villain, because that would have been the role I really wanted…


2. What’s the last beauty-related thing you did?

I just trimmed my fingernails with a nail clipper, and I don’t have the words to accurately describe the sheer magnitude of my relief right now. I cannot STAND it when my nails are even a micrometer too long. Short, short, short is the only way I can make it through life.

3. would you rather eat nothing but raw celery for a week, or plain, cold tofu? (And you have to pick one. You can’t choose “neither.”) Note: keep in mind that you can’t dress up your food, either. No accouterments like peanut butter, cream cheese, sauces, salt, pepper, spices, and no blending it into oblivion in a Vitamix. Nothing. just plain old celery or cold-@ss tofu.

Eeegh. OK…I’d go with the tofu. I think I’d still be hungry all the time, but I’d probably be less hungry than I would be eating nothing but celery.

4. If you could choose to do anyone’s makeup in the world, whose makeup would you do?

Hmm… It’s still early, and I haven’t had enough coffee yet, so I don’t feel particularly profound or philosophical right now, but I’ll say…Pat McGrath? The one time I met her, she seemed pretty nice, so I’m thinking that she could tell me all the stuff I was doing wrong (or right), so it would be a good learning opportunity.


Mačky a make-up mikiny?

42 dolárov

Nakupuj teraz

5. would you rather walk around all day long wearing uncomfortable underwear (to clarify, this would apply to both your bra and your undies), OR with a really bothersome pebble inside your shoe?

Blergh, the underwear I guess… I can deal with ill-fitting bras and underwear, but a pebble in my shoe? OH do pekla, nie. I can’t do it!

Šťastný pondelok

Well, looks like I’m busting out the waterproof mascara because it’s raining here in nor Cal (this one by MAC is my fave, by the way).

You have a good day today, ‘k?

Vaša priateľská susedská krása,



P.S. Tu sú otázky na skopírovanie a pastu s odpoveďami v komentári:

1. You get the chance to play either the hero or the villain in a major motion picture. Which role do you choose?
2. What’s the last beauty-related thing you did?
3. would you rather eat nothing but raw celery for a week, or plain, cold tofu?
4. If you could choose to do anyone’s makeup in the world, whose makeup would you do?
5. would you rather walk around all day long wearing uncomfortable underwear (to clarify, this would apply to both your bra and your undies), OR with a really bothersome pebble inside your shoe?

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