Project pan 12: Anna Sui eyebrow color Compact in Ash brown

I’m playing catch-up this week with my job pan updates because I was delinquent while on vacation! I’ll do 2 products this week as well as 2 next week to get caught up with the rest of the PP12 crew! If you don’t keep in mind what job pan is, here’s a refresher (I’ve almost forgotten, myself! ) My very first job pan product showcased was the Sephora vibrant Jumbo liner 12 hr wear in 07 Brown.

Today, I’m evaluating Anna Sui eyebrow color Compact in 03 Ash Brown:

Like all Anna Sui products, the packaging is absolutely adorable! however how’s the product inside?

When I very first purchased this, I believed it was a restricted edition item. I purchased it around the time when Anna Sui had a Minnie mouse collection which featured a couple of eye shadow palettes in the exact same bow design:

Zdroj. I really have this set which sits unused (purposely) because how can anybody utilize that Minnie mouse lipstick?!
I believed this eyebrow combination was part of that collection, however this is really a long-term product as well as retails for C$28 for 3g of product. Besides the unique packaging, the eyebrow combination features some unusual colour options.  There’s a big section that is just a dark brown shade, however there are little strips of what appears to be eco-friendly as well as yellow brow powder:

So odd, right? however really, the colours don’t appear as strong eco-friendly or yellow on the skin – the function the eco-friendly shade serves to tone down any type of red or orange shade from the brown.  I’m sure I’m not alone in this, however I’ve had problem in the past with brown eyebrow products that are as well orange (my hair is a dark brown). Here’s exactly how the powders apply onto the skin:

I’ve added the Shu Uemura brow:sword in Acorn (which was one of my job focus products) for comparison.

The Acorn shade is currently a much better match for me because my hair is lighter from the summer, however the ashy brown of the Anna Sui will be fantastic for the winter season months. Interestingly, when I was wiping off the swatches with micellar water, the Anna Sui brow powders were much more challenging to remove.

Why didn’t Anna Sui just integrate the 3 shades to make a less ashy brown colour then?  I believed about that too, however having the colours separated enables for placements of the colours so the brows don’t look flat as well as drawn on.  How I utilize the compact is as follows: I utilize the brown to shape the eyebrows starting at the tail.  Then I fill in the center of the eyebrow as well as add the eco-friendly shade in the center to soften the brown colour. I utilize the yellow as type of a highlight on the top center of the eyebrows to add dimension.

Once it’s mixed with a spoolie, the impact looks natural, I promise!

The powders are lower pigmented, as well as dryer textured, which makes application to the brows truly simple (nothing worse than a very pigmented brow product to produce an insta-Groucho Marx brow).  There’s also no wax or gel in the combination – I’ve not had problems with the powder adhering to my skin or long lasting all day. I have been testing with utilizing a deal with primer on my brows as discussed by Ingrid – I do discover it assists however the essential is not to apply as well much primer or else the powder clings as well much as well as looks patchy.

The packaging is not only charming, however well made as well as includes a great size mirror as well as a double ended applicator with an angled side, as well as a blunt smudger clean side.  I still choose my Annabelle brow clean as well as the Anna Sui spoolie to utilize with this palette.

There are 3 colours choices offered in this product which caters a restricted variety of hair colours:

But, keep in mind that this is a Japanese brand so there isn’t a fantastic range when it concerns hair colour.

The most significant drawback for me with this product is that it takes time to apply. When I’m rushed in the mornings, the last thing I want to do is bother with 3 different powder colours. however the result does look nice. As I’ve been utilizing this compact everyday for job Pan, I’m getting progressively proficient with it.

This product, like many of Anna Sui’s line, is made in Japan.  In Canada, Anna Sui is offered at choose consumers medication Mart charm Boutiques, as well as on the internet at (thanks fivezero!) as well as charm Bay.

• fantastic packaging
• natural colour
• dlhotrvajúci
• Able to produce range of brow shading

• Not as accurate compared to pencil
• needs much more effort
• restricted colour range

Stash Worthiness: 7/10

So while I do such as this product as well as will continue to utilize it, it’s not likely I’ll repurchase (or even utilize it up entirely, for that matter). I do choose the simplicity of a brow pencil these days.

I’m not sure if it’s a weighing error at first or I truly utilitak veľa z obočného produktu, avšak tento produkt sa výrazne znížil, pretože posledné váženie:

Tu je miesto, kde stojím s ostatnými položkami práce:

Nie je moc modifikácie, pretože som sa so mnou manipuloval len na 4 z 12 rokov, keď som bol na dovolenke. Musel som však znovu zaostrieť na Sephora Jumbo ceruzku znova!

Pre ich aktualizácie skontrolujte svoje kamaráty pracovných miest:
♦ Ingrid Curly.springsom
♦ Jodi brash postoj
♦ Chanelle Chanelle Hayleyyy

Aký je váš preferovaný obočný produkt?

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