Trash stock 2017 summary

Gosh, you guys! I never expected to have the type of comments in my previous post. say thanks to you. Truly.    To provide you a time frame, I still have messages organized that will take us into February.  So I’m still here.  Let’s set all that aside for now, ok?

Nerd alert: I’ve been looking ahead to doing this summary for the past few months. This is the third (and final) year that I’ll be doing this tally:

All of my empties for the year.
My goal this year was to accomplish one empty product each day for a minimum of 365 empty products. Let’s see exactly how I fared.

Stats of my 2017 trash Stash:

• I utilized up 319 full sized products as well as 130 travel / sample sized product for a overall of 449 empties!   I accomplished my goal!

• This implies I utilized up 1.23 products per day, or 37.42 products per month

I did integrated messages for June + July, August with October, as well as November + December so I averaged those monthly totals.
• In 2017, the amount of empties was 61% higher than 2016, which kept a similar speed of growth year over year (in 2016, I enhanced by 62% over 2015).

• Skincare stayed the largest classification third year running, with 50% of the total, complied with by 31% for body / hair products, as well as finally by 19% for makeup.  The breakdown of these classifications shifted from the past 2 years, with skincare taking a larger share as well as makeup decreasing.  makeup is challenging to finish!  situation in point: my metropolitan Decay eye shadow single in Naked:

I lastly hit pan on this in April as well as have been tracking it ever since. save for a few days right here as well as there, I’ve been utilizing this colour as my shift shade the whole year.  I am bummed out that I couldn’t pan it entirely, however I will keep trying!

• The typical score I provided to the products was 7.55 out of 10, which is lower than my scoring in the 2 previous years (both previous years I provided 7.8 out of 10).  Either I tried much more crappy products or I was much more critical.

• Of all the products I utilized up, I specified that I would repurchase 50% of them, as well as 37% I would not.  12% of them I stated “maybe”.  So, in spite of providing a lower general rating, I would repurchase much more of the products, compared to last year.  But in evaluating the pattern over the 3 years, it’s amazing exactly how consistent I was with my preferences.

• I rated 40 products the ideal score of 10 out 10 – when I evaluation the listing of products that accomplish this, many are from my holy Grail products list!

• I did not rate any type of product a 0 out of 10, as well as I rated only 2 products 1 out of 10; they were: Arezia Q10 Eye Mask as well as L’Action Cosmetique wrinkle Reducer Hydrogel Patches. prevent them!

• Sheet masks made up a considerable part of my trash stock particularly after I did the 30 Day concealing Challenge in June.  In total, for all of 2017, I utilized up 77 masks which is 17% of the overall empties. This assisted to skew the skincare portion for the year – by contract, in 2016, I only utilized 14 masks.

• The curl Keeper original had the distinction of being the most utilized up product – I utilized it up 6 times over the 12 months (and a score of 10 out of 10!)

• I utilized up 27 mascaras in 2017 as well as my favourites included: CoverGirl LashBlast Volume, CoverGirl Clump Crusher, Buxom Lash, Max element MasterPiece Max, as well as L’Oreal Lash Paradise.  The constant in all of this was the Etude House Dr. Mascara Fixer volume Up curl repair which I utilized as a mascara base as well as completed 4 tubes during the year (also one more 10 out of 10 product).

Here are all of my trash stock messages from 2017:

January 2017

February 2017

March 2017

April 2017

May 2017

June & July 2017: part 1

June & July 2017: part 2

August to October 2017: part 1

August to October 2017: part 2

November to December 2017

If you want to nerd out even further, right here are the summaries of my trash stock from previous years:
• trash stock 2016 Summary
• trash stock 2015 Summary

Thank you to all of you for coming together with me on the trash stock journey – they have been a great deal of work, however eventually so satisfying!

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