Antipodes Skincare reviews

this week I’m focusing on skincare! I’ve got 4 Antipodes skincare products to review first –  I’ve been using these for the past 6 weeks so I’ve formed solid opinions about them.

L to R:
• Joyous Protein-Rich night Replenish Serum
• Apostle Skin-Brightening & Tone-Correcting Serum (this is a sample size)
• Vanilla Pod Hydrating Day Cream
• Kiwi Seed Oil Eye Cream

As you may recall, I scored the 3 full sized products at Winners back in January for C$16.99 each! It was the score of a lifetime, really. and the Apostle Serum was from a giveaway I won from Caryl Almelor!  Antipodes is an organic skincare brand from new Zealand with premium plant-based ingredients that are housed in stylish recyclable packaging.

I don’t usually stick to one skincare brand for my skincare routine – as much as some people would like to have you believe, products from a particular brand doesn’t “work better” with other products from the same line. It’s silly talk! just like you don’t wear makeup only from one brand – use whatever works for you.

I was really amazed that each item was individually shrink wrapped and the expiry dates were stamped on the boxes and the jar labeling.
Also, I don’t typically start a bunch of new skincare products all at once, just in case if I react to something, I can pinpoint the cause quickly. So I did stagger these products and the introduction process took about 10 days in total. For reference, I have normal / combination skin that isn’t overly dry or overly oily, and my skin is sensitive and can get dehydrated especially my cheeks and under eye area. here are my thoughts on each, in the purchase in which I started using them:

Antipodes Joyous Protein-Rich night Replenish Serum (C$53 for 30ml)

Antipodes says:

A silky night serum that helps rescue dry, damaged skin. Himalayan goji berry boasts up to 19 amino acids to help optimise your skin’s appearance. Red raspberry seed oil blends with new Zealand blackcurrant, a rich source of vital fats like gamma-linolenic acid (GLA). South Pacific hibiscus flower freshens your complexion, whileberry fragrance imparts pure joy. suited to normal and ultra-dry skin conditions.

Ja hovorím:
This is an oil based serum that offers a lot of moisture to the skin. I think I experienced a little bit of skin congestion when I first started using this as I got bumps on my forehead for the first week. I only used it 3 times the first week to get acclimated to it. The texture is slightly heavier compared to the previous oil serum I used, the Saje Elixir Serum and similarly, it does leave the skin shiny. the most visible thing about this oil serum is the smell – it’s not a bad smell per se but it does smell like steamed kale and broccoli. I was expecting something sweet smelling because the base oil is blackcurrant fruit oil. The smell dissipates (or my nose gets desensitized to it). but I love the effects of this serum – my skin looked bright and deeply hydrated whenever I used this. I use this only in the evenings as my night serum – I mix the Paula’s choice resist C15 very Booster into it. I also really like the apothecary style glass bottle with the angled dropper.

Antipodes Apostle Skin-Brightening & Tone-Correcting Serum (C$71.50 for 30ml)

Antipodes says:

A water-based serum to help target pigmentation, brighten your skin and restore even tone. Waiwera mineral-blessed water helps restore vital moisture while delivering antioxidant-rich Vinanza performance Plus® to help decrease the effects of over production of melanin causing pigmentation. Vinanza Oxifend® defends skin cells from oxidative tension helping decrease skin redness. Kiwifruit exfoliating enzyme renews your skin for true fresh-faced beauty.

Ja hovorím:
I tried this as my day serum because it is water-based and not greasy. But, it made my skin feel really tight and dry. The appearance of the serum isn’t too appealing either – it’s brown and looks lumpy no matter of much I shake the bottle. The serum didn’t do much for my skin except to make it feel dehydrated so I stopped using this after about a week. It also had a small acidic kind of smell, like vinegar. Interestingly, this is also the most expensive product of the ones I have from Antipodes.

Antipodes Kiwi Seed Oil Eye cream (C$54 for 30ml)

Antipodes says:

A luscious yet light eye cream for a cooling and soothing sensory experience. Ultra-rich Vitamin C from the seed of new Zealand kiwifruit works superbly to help rescue damaged tissue. including carrot seed oil, aloe gel and 100% pure avocado oil.

The eye cream on the left, and the day cream (details below) on best – both unused at this point.
Ja hovorím:
This jar of eye cream is a enormous 30ml container! I don’t recall ever setento veľký produkt v očnej smotane. Bol som nadšená, aby som to skúsil a v mojej mysli som si myslel, že by to bol veľmi bohatý nočný produkt. To [ukázalo byť] veľmi ľahký hodvábny očný smotana je lepšie vhodné pre dennú stranu, takže som sa namiesto toho skončil. V skutočnosti si myslím, že je to vlastne príliš ľahké ako očný krém pre mňa. Je to celkom vodnaté a neponúka dlhú dobu trvalú hydratáciu do oblasti očí. Zistil som, že moje korektory vyzerali oveľa sucho a mám oveľa viditeľnejšie jemné linky pod oblasťou očí. V skutočnosti uvažujem s použitím tohto nádoby, keď sa tváre vpred. K tomu nie je žiadna vôňa. Viem, že je to dobre hodnotené online a videl som, že je to dobrý očný krém pre ľudí, ktorí nepotrebujú veľa hydratácie. Obaja to tak aj vanilkový pod krémom sú umiestnené v značnom tónovaných sklenených poháre, ktoré sa cítia veľmi upscale.


Antipodes hovorí:

Svetlo, ale intenzívny hydratačný krém, ktorý sa cíti krásne čerstvé a nažive na tvári
Revolučný antioxidant Vinanza Grape® z oceneného Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc Grape Seeds Udržiava vašu pokožku zdravú a zbínujú. Extrémne výživný krém s natívnym Novým Zélandom Manuka medom, výkonným antibakteriálnym činidlom, ktorý pomáha pri udržiavaní pokožky úplne čistý a úplne bez škvŕn.

Obrátený nákup predchádzajúcej skupiny shot, po 6 týždňoch používania.
Ja hovorím:
Toto je krásny krém na tvár. Obával som sa, že by bolo príliš bohaté na deň, pretože jeho druhá zložka je bambucké maslo. Ale čokoľvek má kúzlo s touto smotanou, to necíti mastné a nespôsobilo lesk priechodu počas dňa. Krém ponúka úžasnú základňu pre nadáciu, aby sa aplikuje na vrchol – žiadne pillovanie ani lámanie s rôznymi základmi, ktoré som sa snažil. Nemal som žiadne problémy s prestávkami alebo citlivosťou na tento krém vôbec. Vondy z toho je mäkká krémová vanilka a shea, ktorá nie je urážlivé alebo pretrvávajúce. Jediný malý NIT som videl, že je to v nádobe na balenie, ktoré nie je optimálne, ale hrubší vzorec by nefungoval v tvare rúr. Teraz som si všetok humbuk okolo tejto krémy! Povedal by som, že tento krém je vhodný pre suchú, normálnu a kombinovanú pokožku, ale nie pre mastné typy pleti.

Stanovenie starostlivosti o pleť sú divné. Ale myslím, že môžete vidieť textúru výrobkov. Denný krém je hrubý, ale nie ťažký, a očný krém je ako gélový krém.
Moja preferovaná položka z 4 je určite vanilkovým hydratačným denným krémom a ja by som zvážil spätné odkúpenie, dokonca za plnú cenu. Moja druhá preferovaná je radostná nočná sérum, po ktorej nasleduje očný krém kivi. Moje najmenej preferované a DUD z partiu bolo apoštolové sérum. In Canada, Antipodes is available on

Vyskúšali ste Antipodes starostlivosť o pleť? What skincare are you currently using that you love?

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